Tips for Preventing Zoom-bombing
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, UCSC has moved to remote learning through Zoom. In this first week, there has been an unfortunate amount of cases disrupting classes that people have called “Zoom-Bombing”. There have even been some cases of sexually harassing students and professors. So in this post I will compile some links I have found helpful in helping prepare to avoid such situations. This will probably grow with time. It’s such a shame that students do not have the maturity to behave not make the situation worse than it already is.
- My friend and fellow PhD student at UCSC, Paul Wintz, wrote a very nice blog post on Medium to help prevent Zoomer-Bombers. I think the most helpful tip is make sure students sign in with the verified UCSC email and muting all guests in the lecture/discussion.
- UCSC has also compiled the website “Keep Teaching to help provide resources for professors, lectures, and TAs/GSIs as we move into remote teaching this quarter.